
JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

ROBOTICS – Institute for Robotics and Mechatronics



Offer for customers & cooperation & partners

JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (JOANNEUM RESEARCH) is a business-oriented innovation and technology service provider which forms part of an international network and has been undertaking top-class research at an international level for over 30 years. The INNOVATION COMPANY plays a key role in the transfer of technology and expertise at the site and focuses on applied research and technology development.

Robotics in their many and interdisciplinary forms will have an impact on significant areas of our financial and everyday lives in the short and medium-term in addition to classic industrial manufacturing. JOANNEUM RESEARCH is using ROBOTICS to respond to the latest requirements of the economy by conducting application-oriented research into these technologies at the interface between the digital and real world.  The institute focuses in particular on research into human/robotic collaboration and interaction in innovative production processes and robot safety. Mobile robotics issues are also addressed in the fields of industrial manufacturing and logistics as well as service robotics in general.

Offer for employees

Employees with a high level of commitment and top qualifications form the basis for the success of JOANNEUM RESEARCH.  Thanks to their flexibility and readiness to continually improve their professional expertise and social skills, these employees are able to meet the varying requirements of JOANNEUM RESEARCH in the field of tension between scientific excellence and application-oriented technology. The JR-internal competence development programme specially targets both the personal and professional development of employees. JOANNEUM RESEARCH also provides a highly attractive working environment with modern infrastructure, a team-oriented working environment and the chance to organise flexible working hours.

Market & potential

In the industrial environment, mechatronic systems serve to increase the productivity and usability of the technical resources. ROBOTICS – the Institute for Robotics and Mechatronics at JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH – is responsible for successfully implementing this business objective. The application of intelligent and adaptive automation enables a flexible solution to be implemented within the smart factory and innovative robotics technology can be a decisive step for any manufacturing company.

Vision & mission statement

Innovation, networking and transfer of expertise

JOANNEUM RESEARCH works in close cooperation and collaboration with companies, institutions, universities, technical colleges, institutes of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and public representatives.

The institute’s business activities are based on the following principles:

  • The highest quality science paired with the highest level of economic efficiency
  • Ongoing renewal and evaluation of the research portfolio, taking account of and including the results of basic research, market development and changing requirements in society
  • Ensuring scientific excellence and performance from the innovative and committed workforce through targeted postgraduate measures in line with the JOANNEUM RESEARCH competence development concept and the creation of employment opportunities for qualified employees
  • Active transfer of expertise in the economy and marketing of developed technologies, processes and products
  • Intensifying communication and cooperation of researchers both between one another and with the economy, public authorities, universities, technical colleges and other extramural research establishments within the European Research Area
  • Unwavering commitment to equal opportunities as a business policy goal before the backdrop of social diversity and taking responsibility as a leading Austrian company in extramural research
  •  Within the scope of the extramural research institutes in Austria, JOANNEUM RESEARCH plays a key role in terms of issues relating to ethics in research and technology and is well aware of its influence and responsibility as a role model in society.
Data & Facts




Land Steiermark (85%)
BABEG - Kärntner Betriebsansiedlungs- & Beteiligungsgesellschaft (15%)

Managing director
Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Wolfgang Pribyl, MBA

Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Michael Hofbaur


Lakeside B13 b, EG
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee | Austria
T T +43 316 876-2000
F +43 316 876-2010

Kärnten Heute, 09.12.2019 – JOANNEUM RESEARCH


Besuch von »Roboterhund« Spot

Vergangene Woche durften die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des ROBOTICS Instituts von JOANNEUM RESEARCH Spot, den vierbeinigen Laufroboter… more

Lakeside Park feiert 15 jähriges Jubiläum

Das international anerkannte Innovationszentrum feiert sein 15 jähriges Bestehen. Die hohe Auslastung des Lakeside Science & Technology Parks… more

Ministerin Gewessler verleiht Lakeside Park »FFG Spirit«

Im Rahmen des Besuchs im Klagenfurter Lakeside Science & Technology Park überreichte die Bundesministerin dem Gastgeber den FFG Spirit 2020 als… more

Erste Systemintegratorentagung im Lakeside Park

Das Institut Robotics der JOANNEUM RESEARCH veranstaltete am 11.12.2019 erstmals eine speziell auf Systemintegratoren ausgerichtete Tagung im… more


Scientific data from an aesthetic perspective more

Italian mechatronics students visit Lakeside

On June 17th 30 mechatronics students from ITS Malignani, Udine, got a deep insight into the carinithian ecosystem of research, education and… more

Wirtschaftsdelegation Süditalien besucht Lakeside

Die Präsidenten der Wirtschaftskammer Süditalien Dr. Pietro Agen und der Industriellen-Vereinigung Catania, Herr Dr. Giovanni Saguto ließen… more

Laborbesichtigung im Neubau B13

Diese Woche fand die erste Besichtigung des zukünftigen Forschungslabors der JOANNEUM RESEARCH Robotics im Neubau der fünften Baustufe des… more

Workshop on entrepreneurship education methods

on October 18th participants of Educational Lab modules and partners within the project »Entrepreneurial Eco-System Alpe Adria«, Program… more

Drohnen und Roboter kollaborieren bald im neuen Gebäude des Lakeside Parks

Mit dem Spatenstich zur bisher 5. Baustufe entsteht Raum für Forschung und Entwicklung des JOANNEUM RESEARCH und der Alpen-Adria-Universität… more

Italian mechatronics students visit Lakeside

on June 26th 40 mechatronics students from ITS Malignani, Udine, got a deep insight into the carinithian ecosystem of research, education and… more

»SEMI High Tech University 2018«

Die FH Kärnten und die Veranstaltungspartner Lakeside Park, AAU und Infineon Technologies Austria AG vermitteln Schülerinnen und Schülern die… more

Robotics Training Center im Lakeside Park

JOANNEUM RESEARCH Robotics gründet Training Center für Moderne Robotertechnologien more

Japanese OpenSource Bionics Project visits Lakeside Park

Am Abend des 29. November fand im Lakeside Park, in Kooperation mit JOANNEUM RESEARCH Robotics und der IEEE Austria Section ein inspirierender… more


Im Rahmen der SUMMER BUSINESS SCHOOL bietet die FH JOANNEUM jedes Jahr im September zahlreiche Seminare mit verschiedenen Schwerpunkten an.… more

Die European Robotics Week war ein voller Erfolg!

Teams unterschiedlichster Altersklassen haben sich am 27. November 2015 der Aufgabe gestellt einen eigenen Roboter zu bauen und dessen… more


Am Donnerstag, den 24. September 2015 lud ROBOTICS – Institut für Robotik und Mechatronik der JOANNEUM RESEARCH zur offiziellen Eröffnungsfeier… more

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