Europe's largest indoor drone hub

Since winter 2019 researchers investigating autonomous drones can now use a cutting-edge research infrastructure at the University of Klagenfurt, measuring up to 150 square meters and a height of ten meters. Europe's largest drone hall tremendously boosts the »Drone-Hub Klagenfurt«, already known for hosting some of the world’s top players in the field.
In 2017, the University of Klagenfurt established the »Karl Popper Kolleg«, a centre for research and doctoral studies with a focus on »Networked Autonomous Aerial Vehicles (NAV)«. The centre combines the four research groups Networked & Embedded Systems, Multimedia Communication, Pervasive Computing and Control of Networked Systems. As such, NAV forms a central hub at the university for the purpose of drone research, with around 30 researchers working on site.
The drone hall is related to the research group Control of Networked Systems and can be connected with the neighboring resarch infrastructure of JOANNEUM RESEARCH Robotics through the opening of a sliding door. Projects in combination with UAVs and robots find swift realisation.
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University of Klagenfurt Control of Networked Systems |
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