Modul: Neumann

New developments from the »Educational Lab«

The media and meetings space explains and demonstrates what happens in the Educational Lab and at Lakeside Park. Here there is information and results from the modules, reports from Lakeside Park and relevant information from other institutions too. The area is freely accessible and can also be used for group talks and group work, discussion sessions, workshops, as an interdisciplinary exchange platform and source of information or for future cooperations.

The seminar rooms at Lakeside Spitz have been named after pioneers in the IT field, as was the »Neumann« communications room. John von Neumann is classed as the inventor of the »von Neumann computer«, a computer in which data and program are stored on the same memory. He is considered one of the founding fathers of computer science.

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Contact details

Lakeside Science & Technology Park GmbH
Lakeside B11

Frau Dr. Karin Aichwalder
T +43 463 228822 - 25

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