Modul: Education Studio

Insights to the world of streaming research

The mission of the CD Laboratory ATHENA at Lakeside Park is research of new tools and methods for coding, transport and transmition of on-demand video using HTTP adaptive streaming methods. At this laboratory application-oriented basic research is conducted on high niveau throughout cooperation of excellent researchers and innovative enterprises.

The CD Laboratory ATHENA is run by the Insitute of Information Technology ITEC of the university Klagenfurt and the enterprise bitmovin. Here you can get insights to the world of academic research as well as interests of research-oriented enterprises. Deriving results are i.e. video-streaming methods and cutting edge multimedia-services.

The Christian Doppler research association is internationally renowned as best-practice-example for fostering collaboration between research and enterprises. The lab is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs as well as corporate enterprises.

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Contact details

Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt
CD Labor Athena
Lakeside B12b
9020 Klagenfurt
T +43 463 2700-3635


ITEC Institut für Informationstechnologie