
E.C.O. Institute for Ecology

Offer for customers

We offer advice, planning, research and training for protected areas and certified regions. Through our work, we support our customers in protecting and improving natural habitats, facilitating exceptional nature experiences and developing living and economic conditions in the relevant regions.

We achieve the exceptional quality of our services by combining ecological expertise, good communications and effective project development (E.cology, C.ommunication and O.rganisation). We combine stringent professional concepts with technical expertise and professional design. We offer particular expertise in the fields of integrated management of protected areas, vegetation ecology, nature protection in forested areas and ecological GIS and IT applications.

Offer for employees

Our employees benefit from our long-standing experience in nature protection and an international network of experts in protected areas and certified regions. Research and scientific work are a priority at E.C.O. and we offer Bachelor and Master courses as well as pre-university courses in nature protection. We look forward to hearing from you.

Offer for cooperation and partners

Given our unique expertise in the fields of ecology, natural habitat management and nature protection, we are the ideal partner for companies from the ‘complementary’ sectors such as infrastructure and industrial companies, tourism operators, the raw materials industry and nature and habitat-related projects.

There is also great interest in cooperation with international partners and collaboration with education and research establishments.

Market & potential

The number of protected areas and certified regions is continually growing across the world and their significance is increasing every day.  Experts in the planning, management and further development of protected areas are therefore also becoming more important and are in demand across all certified regions internationally. There is also a growing demand for environmental expertise, professional opinion and long-term monitoring programmes.

Vision & mission statement

It is important to us…

  • …to serve as a reliable and trustworthy partner to our customers
  • …to build bridges between different cultures, opinions, disciplines and interests
  • …to apply our expertise in a responsible and independent manner
  • …to integrate innovative approaches, methods and techniques into our work
  • …to incorporate professionalism and enthusiasm into our work

Fields of expertise

  • Environment & energy
  • Advice & services
  • Information systems
Data & Facts


Information Systems , Environment & Energy , Services & Consulting


Managing Director
Dr. Hanns Kirchmeir


Lakeside B07 B, 2nd floor
9020 Klagenfurt | Austria
T +43 463 504 144
F 43 463 504 144-4

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